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Официальный сайт муниципального образования
"Красноярский муниципальный округ Астраханской области"

Investors municipal support

Dear Investors, economic entities, individual entrepreneurs! 

At the territory of the municipal unit “Krasnoyarskiy district” since 2009 we provide the state and municipal support in realization of capital investment projects in the branches of agricultural sector, food producing, construction materials, housing and communal services, engineering, road-transport infrastructure development, consumer services sphere and contract catering, health services, education and other social important branches and activities spheres.

More information about specific support types, its receiving conditions, request forms and etc. you can take, getting acquainted with regulatory documents, locating in the corresponding part of the website.

Administration of the municipal unit “Krasnoyarskiy district” is ready for working appointments with the potential investors at any convenient time, for making an appointment you need to address yourself to the financial economical department of the district administration.

At the present moment the district administration continues the work in elaboration and development of the regulatory base, oriented on the creation of the comfortable climate and systems of municipal support, stimulating the investors attractions.

All investors, proposing the realization of the capital investment project corresponding to the directions of the development of municipal unit, are proposed to get the capital investment project support based on the one stop-shop principle  and other non-financial support measures:

1.  support (managing) of applications and requests to the federal bodies of the state power of Russian Federation, power bodies of the Astrakhan region in providing support for investors in the capital project realization;
2.  distribution of the positive information about the investor;
3.  distribution of the information about the realized project at the official website of the district administration;
4.  support in organizational, administrative and juridical solving of the questions raised at the investor’s side, which appear during the process of the capital investment project realization in the following spheres: 

    • selection of the ground places at the territory of Krasnoyarskiy district;
    • dressing and providing the ground places for the capital investment project realization;
    • development of the project documentation  of building and constructions coordination and expertise of the project decisions;
    • the receipt of permissions for the construction of the new capital investment objects in real estate or their reconstruction, putting into operation the investment projects, receiving the technical documentation for the object newly put into operation (after finishing of its construction and/or object reconstruction);
    • documents coordination, necessary for the capital investment projects realization;
    • hiring of the staff from the population of Krasnoyarskiy district;
    • technological adjustment to the engineering networks. 

6.  to provide the necessary consultational, methodical and informational support;
7.  competitional placement of orders;
8.  other non-financial measures. 

More detailed information on the support of the capital investment project based on one stop-shop principle and non-financial support measures, conditions of their receiving, the request forms and etc. you can take following the reference. 

The capital investment projects corresponding to the requirements, established by the RF law, by the Astrakhan region law, by regulatory documents of the municipal unit “Krasnoyarskiy district are proposed the financial support measures. The basic forms of the financial support from the budget of the municipal unit “Krasnoyarskiy district”:

  1. providing of the investment tax credit for the investors, realizing the priority investment project of Krasnoyarskiy district;
  2. reduction in 50% of the basic rental value for the ground area, proposed to the investors, realizing the priority investment project of Krasnoyarskiy district;
  3. compensation of the expenses part, directed to the ground area preparation for the capital investment project realization (excavation, area cleaning, dumping, bushes and other planting stubbing, recultivation etc.);
  4. reimbursement of the part of investors expenses, directed to the technological connection to the electrical networks, to the construction works, to the engineering networks reconstruction (electrical, gas and water supply, canalization, telephonisation etc.), or any other events on organization of the engineering networks functioning, needed for the capital investment project realization;
  5. reimbursement of the part of investors expenses, directed to the expertise of the priority investment project or other design estimate documentation;
  6. providing to the investors, realizing the priority investment project of Krasnoyarskiy district, with benefits at renting of the objects of real estate of municipal property of Krasnoyarskiy district, according to the Federal law from July, 26 2006 №135-FZ «About business competition defense» and acting law of Russian Federation;
  7. municipal support is provided to the subjects of the investment activity, corresponding to the small business by the means of grants for their own business creation; 
  8. subsidies from the RF budget of the Astrakhan region are given for the investors, realizing of the investment projects in the branches of agricultural sphere and agro industrial sector; 
  9. subsidies from the budget of municipal establishment “Krasnoyarskiy district” are proposed to the investors, realizing the investment projects in the branches of agricultural sphere and  agro industrial sector. 








Financial economical division of the administration of the municipal unit “Krasnoyarskiy district
auditorium 5, 38, bld. 1, Sovetskaya str., Krasniy yar village, Astrakhan region №38
Telephones: 8 (85146) 91-5-24; 8 (85146) 91-3-46.



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